[대치 돋보잡 강사 ] 영어 영독 수완 연계
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The role of science can sometimes be overstated, its exponents slipping into scientism. Scientism is the view that the scientific description of reality is the only truth there is.[과학의 역할이 과장된 것을 가지고 과학만능주의라고 하는데, 과학 만능주의는 과학으로 현실을 묘사하는 것이 유일한 진실이라고 보고 있음] With the advance of science, there has been a tendency to slip into scientism, and assume that any factual claim can be authenticated if and only if the term ‘scientific’ can correctly be ascribed to it. The consequence is that non-scientific approaches to reality—and that can include all the arts, religion, and personal, emotional and value-laden ways of encountering the world—may become labelled as merely subjective, and therefore of little account in terms of describing the
way the world is[과학 만능주의는 비과학적인 접근방식을 부정적으로 바라보고 주관적인 것이라 생각]. The philosophy of science seeks to avoid crude scientism and get a balanced view on what the scientific method can and cannot achieve.
핵심 내용 요약 : 과학 만능주의는 –하다.
수능특강 영독 ★★★
Although commonsense knowledge may have merit, it also has drawbacks, not the least of which is that it often contradicts itself. For example, we hear that people who are similar will like one another (“Birds of a feather flock together”) but also that persons who are dissimilar will like each other (“Opposites attract”). We are told that groups are wiser and smarter than individuals (“Two heads are better than one”) but also that group work inevitably produces poor results (“Too many cooks spoil the broth”). Each of these contradictory statements may hold true under particular conditions, but without a clear statement of when they apply and when they do not, aphorisms provide little insight into relations among people.[언제 적용되는지와 언제 적용되지 않는지에 대한 명확한 진술이 없으면, 통찰력 제공 X] They provide even less guidance in situations where we must make decisions. For example, when facing a choice that entails risk, which guideline should we use—“Nothing ventured, nothing gained” or “Better safe than sorry”? [어느 것을 선택해야할지 모름]
핵심 내용 요약 : 속담이 언제 적용되는지, 언제 적용되지 않는지에 대한 명확한 진술이 없으면 통찰력 제공 X
Suppose we know that Paula suffers from an acute phobia. If we reason that Paula is afraid either of snakes or spiders, and then establish that she is not afraid of snakes, we will conclude that Paula is afraid of spiders.
(B) However, our conclusion is reasonable only if Paula’s fear really does concern either snakes or spiders. If we know only that Paula has a phobia, then the fact that she’s not afraid of snakes is entirely consistent with her being afraid of heights, water, dogs or the number thirteen.
(A) More generally, when we are presented with a list of alternative explanations for some phenomenon, and are then persuaded that all but one of those explanations are unsatisfactory, we should pause to reflect. [ 답 1개가 확실하다고 설득된다면, 멈춰서 심사 숙고해야한다.
(C) Before conceding that the remaining explanation is the correct one, consider whether other plausible options are being ignored or overlooked.[그럴듯한 선택안들이 간과되고있지 않은지 생각해봐라] The fallacy of false / choice / misleads when we’re insufficiently attentive to an important hidden assumption, that the choices which have been made explicit[명백한 것으로 밝혀진 선택] / exhaust[고갈시키다=빈칸추론] / the sensible alternatives[합리적인 대안 = 빈칸 추론 ].
핵심 내용 요약 : 섣불리 결론 내리지말고, 다른 대안들도 생각해보자.
Speculations about the meaning and purpose of prehistoric art rely heavily on analogies drawn with modern-day hunter-gatherer societies. Such primitive societies, as Steven Mithen emphasizes in The Prehistory of the Modern Mind, tend to view man and beast, animal and plant, organic and inorganic realms, as participants in an integrated, animated totality.[인간, 동물, 식물, 유생물, 무생물 모두 하나] The dual manifestations of this tendency are anthropomorphism (the practice of regarding animals as humans) and totemism (the practice of regarding humans as animals), both of which pervade the visual art and the mythology of primitive cultures. Thus the natural world is conceptualized in terms of human social relations. When considered in this light, the visual preoccupation of early humans with the nonhuman creatures inhabiting their world becomes profoundly meaningful.[모두 하나] Among hunter-gatherers, animals are not only good to eat, they are also good to think about, as anthropologist Claude Lévi- Strauss has observed. In the practice of totemism, he has suggested, an unlettered humanity “broods upon itself and its place in nature.” Through their observation of other species , primitive peoples find ways of conceptualizing human relationships.[모두 하나]
핵심내용요약 : 인간 / 동물 / 식물 / 무생물 / 생물 모두 하나
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